Marvel news: Studio exec predicts when the X-Men will join the cinematic universe

Artwork for Wolverine, one of the most popular members of the X-Men Marvel

The X-Men might soon meet with the Avengers, as Marvel's studio executive reveals when to expect Fox's Marvel mutant franchise to appear in Disney's Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

Kevin Feige from Marvel has spoken up about the X-Men being in MCU and has brought up that the mutants might take a while before their own crossover project with the members of the Avengers. This was despite the deal Disney made with Fox to acquire or share the license for the X-Men and Fantastic Four, which the latter owns.

Marvel is definitely not planning the introduce the X-Men into the MCU anytime soon since the Disney's cinematic universe's release schedule has already been announced up to 2019, with the mutant franchise nowhere in sight. Feige has stated in an interview that there are simply no plans for the X-Men yet to the MCU.

"We're not thinking about it. We're focusing on everything we've already announced. If and when the deal actually happens, we'll start to think more about it. Until then, we have a lot to do. It would be years away. We've announced everything through 2019, so none of those would be adjusted," claimed Feige.

This means that the Wolverine might not make it into the restructuring of the new Avengers team where Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) is rumored to be the new leader, replacing Captain America (Steve Rogers) after "Infinity War."

This could be quite disappointing for some fans since X-Men's Wolverine was quite a notable and even pivotal member of the Avengers in the comic books due to his not being afraid to "get his hands dirty." But, given how the deal is not complete yet, this should not be too surprising.

This does not mean that the there is no possibility though, only that it would take quite a while, and fans of both the X-Men and the Avengers will have to wait for MCU's next movie announcements before rejoicing.