'Marvel Heroes' game is shutting down

Promotional Photo from the "Marvel Heroes" Steam page Steam

Disney has ended its relationship with Gazillion Entertainment, and as a result, the free-to-play superhero massively multiplayer online game "Marvel Heroes" will shut down in the near future.

According to video game news website Kotaku, Marvel spoke about the current events in an email. "We regret to inform our Marvel Heroes fans that we have ended our relationship with Gazillion Entertainment and that the Marvel Heroes games will be shut down. We would like to sincerely thank the players who joined the Marvel Heroes community, and will provide any further updates as they become available." The email stated.

Aside from the email, the Marvel Heroes Omega Twitter account also had announcements regarding the current events. The official Twitter page announced the "Marvel Heroes" would indeed be shutting down, but that the game would remain playable and servers would stay live until Dec. 31, 2017.

Between now and then, the developers will be removing the real money purchase function, and players will have access to all the game has to offer for free. The Marvel Heroes Omega Twitter account stated that they would make another announcement when the changes had been made.

The official statement ended with the developers thanking its players and fans.

A handful of the fans were not happy about it, and a few were angry because they'd already spent a substantial amount of money on in-game skins and in-game currency. A handful has been asking for refunds as well, but the developers have yet to release a statement regarding that issue.

Video game news websites like Kotaku and Game Spot report that Gazillion Entertainment has been quiet in terms of updates regarding the "Marvel Heroes" news.

"Marvel Heroes" is an online action, a roleplaying game that features many of the heroes from the "Marvel" franchise. It first came to PC in 2013 but didn't arrive on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One until much later.