Mariah Woods news: North Carolina toddler missing since Nov. 27 found dead last Saturday

Earl Kimrey, 32, was arrested for the disappearance and death of NC toddler Mariah Woods. Onslow County Sheriff's Office/Handout via REUTERS

Investigation is still ongoing prior to the death of a toddler in North Carolina. According to new shocking reports, the death of 3-year-old Mariah Woods is not due to natural causes. Police authorities had already arrested the primary suspect to the case who happens to be the boyfriend of Mariah's mother, Kristy Woods.

Earl Kimrey, 32, was arrested by the police, hours before Mariah's deceased body was retrieved on Dec. 2. The body of the toddler was found by divers in the Holly Shelter Creek about 25 miles from Mariah's Jacksonville home. Mariah's disappearance was reported on Nov. 27, and several members of the public volunteered to locate the little girl.

According to reports, Mariah's cause of death is not natural and that her body was moved after her death. Police are still investigating how Mariah died and the possible motive of Kimrey for committing the crime.

Several publications have reported that Kimrey has been involved in other crimes way back in 2002. Kimrey is being charged with concealing a death, burglary, larceny, possession of stolen property, and obstruction of justice. Reports also reveal that the Social Services provided no information if Kimrey and the household where Mariah was residing have been recently investigated.

Alex Woods, Mariah's biological father, said he did not believe Kimrey when the latter said that Mariah was abducted by someone else.

Kimrey is being held on over a $1 million bond in the Onslow County Detention Center.

The Jacksonville community in North Carolina mourns the loss of the toddler. Several netizens have expressed their condolence and support to the family of Mariah. Few Facebook groups were also established to pay tribute to the little girl and to bring the perpetrator to justice. Some netizens showed their support by posting pictures of Mariah. One image shows an edited photo of Mariah in the hands of Jesus Christ.