Manny Pacquiao's wife says the Lord is not pleased when couples break the covenant of marriage

Jinkee Pacquiao poses with her husband Manny in a photo she posted on her Instagram account. (Instagram/Jinkee Pacquiao)

Jinkee, the wife of Filipino boxing great Manny Pacquiao, is reflecting a lot these days about love and marriage. She recently posted Bible passages and words of wisdom on these subjects in her Instagram account (@jinkeepacquiao).

In one post, Jinkee shared a photo of herself with her husband and wrote that God wants His people to sanctify the covenant of marriage. "Marriage is to be treasured. What the Lord has brought together has been done on purpose, for a reason, and it is not to be taken lightly," she wrote. "The Lord our God wants us to treasure the union of marriage, where two become one. Breaking this covenant does not please our Lord."

The boxer's wife said a couple's relationship depends on how the two people involved do their best to deal with difficult circumstances. "Love is not irritable: Some people are like lemons: when life squeezes them, they pour out a sour response. Some are more like peaches: when the pressure is on, the result is still sweet," she said.

In another post, Jinkee highlighted the importance of putting God in the centre of of one's relationship and marriage. When doing so, Jinkee said that people will be able to love each other just as God loves them. "Love believes the best. Develop the habit of reining in your negative thoughts and focusing on the positive attributes of your mate. This is a crucial step as you learn to lead your heart to truly love your spouse. It is a decision that you make, whether they deserve it or not," she wrote.

Jinkee said she is grateful the marriage she shares with Manny is one that is "built by the Lord."

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