Man sees image of Jesus in his chicken: 'Pay attention, there are signs everywhere'

Jesus, a bearded man, or just a well cooked piece of chicken? (Photo: Ernesto Hernandez)

Ernesto Hernandez was tucking into his dinner as usual when something unexpected caught his eye. 

Burnt into the chicken cooked by his wife was what appeared to be the image of Jesus. 

Hernandez says he's not a very religious man - more spiritual - but it really made him think.  And it certainly caught his attention enough to make him save the chicken piece rather than eat it with the rest of his dinner. 

"I always kid to my wife she's such a divine cook and I'm about to fork into my chicken and, lo and behold, there's a picture of what looks like Jesus to me. It really kind of took me a back a minute," said Hernandez, according to WNEP 16.

He admits he and his wife had a good laugh when he showed her the chicken piece, but they agreed it was pretty amazing. 

"It's so clear, it's so concise, it looks like Jesus.  I'm not saying it's Jesus, it's definitely a bearded man," he said.  

Hernandez may not be really religious but he does believe there are signs pointing out the way in life and last summer he snapped a shot of some clouds that he thought also looked like the face of Jesus. 

"I'm not a religious man, but I'm very spiritual.  I believe in oneness.  I believe we're all from the same source," he told WNEP 16. 

"If I could convey a message to people, it would be: pay attention, there are signs everywhere."