'Little Dragon Cafe' coming soon from 'Harvest Moon' developers

A promotional photo for "Little Dragon Cafe" Twitter/aksysgames

The "Harvest Moon" game franchise is one that many have grown up with. While it is definitely still alive even today, the developers behind the games are also working on newer franchises including "Little Dragon Cafe." Needless to say, "Harvest Moon" fans will love playing the new game.

"Harvest Moon" creator Yasuhiro Wada has teamed up with Aksys Games to create this new "Little Dragon Cafe" game. It is then not much of a surprise that the art even looks a lot like the characters in the "Harvest Moon" games. "Little Dragon Cafe" will star twins: a brother and a sister who both work at their mother's cafe.

The background of the story goes that their mother suddenly falls into a deep sleep caused by something or someone unknown. The kids then have to take care of the cafe and interestingly raise a little dragon all in order to wake their mother up. Those who have played the "Harvest Moon" games will find a familiar feeling when handling the cafe.

Since it is a cafe, they will need to cook food and to do so, they will need to get all the ingredients each dish needs. This is where all the farming and animal-raising features come in. The twins will also have the option to help their neighbors. This will in turn help them get higher popularity scores and thus bring up the number of their cafe's customers.

There is not much detail about what else players can expect in the game especially as to how people will be playing as the twins — whether they get to choose one of the twins or have to control both. Fans can expect more details to come in the next few weeks.

"Little Dragons Cafe" has been in development for the last two years. It is expected to be out this summer for the Nintendo Switch and the PlayStation 4 (PS4).