Kirk Cameron says it's not too late for America to turn around and reclaim its moral values

Kirk Cameron says, 'It doesn't matter whether you're a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Hindu, an atheist or if you're black or white. Nobody wants to fail at family.' (Facebook/Kirk Cameron)

American actor Kirk Cameron, who is currently preparing for his marriage conference tour "Love Worth Fighting For," is discussing not just the importance of a Biblical marriage, but also the consequences of society's dwindling moral values.

"People think we are in the last days of America," Cameron tells Cj Online. "Is it too late? No, it's not too late. It's not impossible to turn it around, but there's no time to wait any longer. We are nearing the point of no return, but we're not there yet. But we must lean in, double down and engage [as soon as possible] because we've been coasting for too long."

Cameron, best known for his role as Mike Seaver in "Growing Pains," says that America is divided over a lot of things, but there is one thing everyone can agree on - "Nobody wants to fail at family."

"It doesn't matter whether you're a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Hindu, an atheist or if you're black or white. Nobody wants to fail at family," he stresses.

Cameron adds that conferences such as "Love Worth Fighting For" are so important because they help people love their spouses better. A lot of couples tend to get "bitter" towards one another over time, but with proper guidance, Cameron believes this can be avoided.

There is also a misconception that people who engage in marriage conferences are facing serious marital woes, but Cameron says it's actually the other way around.

"I think some people might think, 'If I go to a marriage conference like this, maybe I'm admitting I need help,'" the actor continues. "But that's not how I see it. I know what the event is — it's an awesome date night with your wife. You're gonna laugh, sing and have a great time. What you're saying is 'My wife is worth it, my husband is worth it. I want my marriage to be strong.'"

Tickets for "Love Worth Fighting For" range from $22.50 and $35. It will run from Sept. 16 to Nov. 20 this year.

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