Kim Kardashian posts nude selfie on Twitter; Chloë Grace Moretz and Bette Midler rebuke reality TV star

Chloe Grace Moritz is seen in this file photo. (Reuters)

Teen actress Chloë Grace Moretz got into a Twitter battle with "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" star Kim Kardashian after she criticised the nude selfie posted by the latter.

Kardashian posted the controversial photo on her Twitter account (@KimKardashian) and captioned it, "When you're like I have nothing to wear LOL."

Moretz, who starred in the films "Carrie" and "If I Stay," thought that the 35-year-old reality star should be more discerning about her posts. She tweeted directly to Kardashian, "I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies."

Kardashian did not appreciate Moretz's advice, and she replied to the 19-year-old actress, "Let's all welcome @ChloeGMoretz to [T]witter, since no one knows who she is. [Y]our [N]ylon cover is cute boo."

Kanye West's wife was referring to Moretz's naked cover photo in Nylon Magazine's January 2016 edition. To add salt to the wound, she even posted another nude selfie and captioned it, "Liberated."

A lot of Twitter users got upset with Moretz for shaming Kardashian. "Of course women are more than just their bodies, but there [isn't anything] wrong with showing them off," someone told Moretz.

Another added, "You're setting a great example of how girls should belittle each other to feel more secure of their own morals!"

Moretz later clarified that her intention was never to make Kardashian feel bad about herself. "There's a huge difference in respecting the platform that you're given as a celebrity and 'slut shaming' - something I never have done and - would never do," she tweeted on her account (@ChloeGMoretz).

Actress Bette Midler seemed to agree with Moretz though and got into the act when she tweeted on her account (@BetteMidler), "Kim Kardashian tweeted a nude selfie today. If Kim wants us to see a part of her we've never seen, she's gonna have to swallow the camera."

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