'Killing Floor 2' release date, news: first-person shooter goes gold for PS4

A promotional photo for the upcoming first-person shooter video game, "Killing Floor 2." Tripwire Interactive

Tripwire Interactive's upcoming first-person shooter video game, "Killing Floor 2" is one of the few must-haves this year for FPS lovers, and with huge anticipation for its release this month, the game developer announced that the game has gone gold for the PlayStation 4 platform.

According to Gear Nuke, the meaning of going gold is that the game's development has just wrapped up and that its initial early access offering to fans via Steam has reached one million in sales. The concept of the early access was to figure out the level of interest the game will get once it nears its release. And now, Tripwire certainly knows it'll sell.

The sequel to the 2009 video game of the same genre "Killing Floor" has been welcomed with a lot of excitement ever since the PC version of the early access was released back in April of last year. The game is now set for a full launch across three gaming platforms: Windows, PlayStation 4, and Linux this month.

"Killing Floor 2," which was built using a modified version of Unreal Engine 3, takes place in Europe and is set about a month after the trials in the first game. And just like "Killing Floor," the upcoming title does not fall short in terms of gore, with Tripwire even opting to incorporate a new system called M.E.A.T., which stands for Massive Evisceration and Trauma. The idea behind the MEAT system is that every enemy has points of dismemberments in their body, with each part corresponding to a specific number of points, for instance, hitting the body gives the player five points.

"Killing Floor 2" will be officially released on Nov. 18, and the developer has announced that it will also be playable on the new PlayStation 4 Pro console.