Kanye West quotes the Bible in 'Culture of Life' presidential campaign platform

Kanye West performing at Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church (Photo: KHOU 11)

Rapper and Christian convert Kanye West has unveiled a Bible-inspired campaign platform for his bid to be elected as US president this November.

The document is called "Creating a Culture of Life" and quotes Scripture throughout. 

It was posted to his campaign website and sets out his vision for an "equitable" America.

Despite the title, the document does not specifically mention abortion or his pro-life values, which he has spoken about before

Instead, it offers voters 10 commitments that cover a wide range of areas, including national defence, the economy and racial justice.

The first item on the document is the "constitutional commitment to freedom of religion and the free exercise of one's faith", part of which includes "restoring prayer in the classroom including spiritual foundations". 

In this section, he quotes Psalm 78:4: "We will not hide the truth from our children, but will declare to the next generation His praises and wonder."

Further down, he says that faith groups should be supported because they run "vital local services, giving communities a shared purpose in government."

He then quotes Hebrews 10:24: "We will provide ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works." 

West announced last month that he was going to run for president.  He said at the time that God had told him to do it. 

Before that, he was an open supporter of President Donald Trump. 

When he announced his presidential bid, he changed tunes and said that Trump's Administration looked like "one big mess", although he commended the current president for his commitment to religious freedom. 

"Trump is the closest president we've had in years to allowing God to still be part of the conversation," he said.