Justin Bieber says 'Purpose' isn't an apology album, he'd be 'terrible' person without God

Justin Bieber says his 'Purpose' album is actually 'about a girl.' (Twitter/Justin Bieber)

A lot of people might have assumed that Canadian Christian singer Justin Bieber's new album "Purpose" is his way of apologising to the world about his past mistakes, but the singer said the album is actually "about a girl."

Still, Bieber's fans could not deny just how much the singer has changed and matured. Even though "Purpose" is not an apology album, people have apparently forgiven Bieber for his crazy antics and arrogance in the past because of it.

In a recent GQ Magazine interview, Bieber said what he has been doing—which is changing his public image—is not really about apologising to the public, but more about "acknowledging" his long list of past mistakes.

"Everyone, when they start growing up, realises, 'Man, I did some dumb (expletive) when I was younger.' It's not just me.... If I could go back, I wouldn't really change much. I think it's all my journey. That stuff made me who I am," he said.

However, the singer said all the bad things that happened in his life were not all on him, since some of them could be attributed to the people he used to surround himself with. "I've had people that burned me so many times. If we invest everything we have in a human, we're gonna get broken," he said.

Bieber then went on to say that God is the only one he truly trusts, and without Him, the "What Do You Mean" singer admitted that he would not even know where to begin putting his life back together.

"I feel like that's why I have a relationship with Him, because I need it. I suck by myself. Like, when I'm by myself and I feel like I have nothing to lean on? Terrible. Terrible person," he said. "If I was doing this on my own, I would constantly be doing things that are, I mean, I still am doing things that are stupid, but... It just gives me some sort of hope and something to grasp onto, and a feeling of security, and a feeling of being wanted, and a feeling of being desired, and I feel like we can only get so much of that from a human."

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