Joey Feek cancer update: country star gets a visit from pastor who married her and Rory

Joey Feek is visited by Pastor Mike Rosser and his wife Sally. Facebook/ joeyandrory

Joey Feek continues to hold on as she prepares for the final day of her cancer battle. This week, the country star was visited by Mike and Sally Rosser.

Husband and singing partner Rory took to Facebook on Tuesday, Feb. 9, to post a picture of the couple standing beside Joey's bed and captioned it, "blessed w a beautiful visit and time of prayer last night from our sweet friends Mike & Sally Rosser. Mike is the pastor who married us almost 14 years ago."

On Feb. 3, Rory posted a picture showing their daughter Indiana sitting on Joey's bed.

"Feeling broken-hearted and blessed all at the same time this morning," he wrote. "Watching my beautiful bride pour a lifetime of love into a few minutes a day."

Rory has been keeping their fans updated on Joey's condition on social media and on his blog, This Life I Live, where his emotional posts are often about his wife and the people who are helping them during this difficult time.

Rory took to his blog last Friday to write about his ties with his manager and cousin Aaron Carnahan and the many similarities in their lives. Rory said that they grew up to be very close and their lives started to mimic each other's when he joined the service. Both of them have been married twice and have children who have Down Syndrome. But when Rory called Aaron in May 2014 to tell him that the doctors suspected that Joey had a tumor in her cervix, the country star said that it was "the one place where the paralleling of our lives was almost too much for him to bear." Since then, Rory said that his cousin has always been there for him.

"He wants so desperately to fix this for us, but he knows he can't," said Rory of his cousin.

Back in October, Joey and Rory shared the news that Joey would no longer be receiving treatment for her cancer after a CT scan revealed it was spreading despite aggressive chemotherapy treatments.