Joel Osteen Shares What Christians Should Do When Challenges Come Their Way And Things Start To Go Wrong


It's quite easy to muster faith when people are embarking on a new project or undertaking. But Pastor Joel Osteen from Lakewood Church says faith starts slipping away when challenges are met and things start to go awry.

"When that new baby is born, you marry the person of your dreams or start your business, that's exciting! There's adrenaline flowing, and you have drive! It's easy to have faith at the end when you can see the finish line, when that dream is in sight, and you know you've fought the good fight," he writes on his blog.

But the real challenge is having faith in the middle of one's journey.  When a project is taking much longer than people expected, or when Christians start to lose funds or patience, the true test of faith begins.

"The mistake we make is that we get discouraged in the middle. We think, 'God, I know You gave me this child, but He's making my life miserable. God, You brought this spouse into my life, but there's conflict. God, You blessed me with this business, but I don't have the funds I need to run it.' In the middle is where most people lose the battle," says Osteen.

But he wants people to be reminded that God never promised anyone that they would reach their destination without opposition, disappointments, or things they don't understand. Even Scripture says that people should not think it strange whenever they have to face "fiery trials."

"That means don't be upset because that person did you wrong. Don't start worrying because business went down. God is still on the throne. Nothing that's happened to you has stopped His plan for your life," assures Osteen. "What God promised you He still has every intention of bringing it to pass."

He is encouraging people to "press through" no matter what obstacles they encounter in life. When people stay in faith, Osteen says they will definitely reap the victory God has in store for them.

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