Joel Osteen defends message of positivity, says he won't change just to appease critics

Joel Osteen says,' I was smiling in my baby pictures.' (Twitter/Joel Osteen)

Despite the popularity of his ministry, Pastor Joel Osteen from Lakewood Church has been receiving criticism left and right.

Some people are not buying into his message of positivity. They want him to talk about the realities of hell, terrorism, and politics to enlighten his congregation.

But Osteen told News 6 in a recent interview that he is used to having bashers and pays little heed to them. He said he has always been a positive person, and he has no plans of changing his persona just to appease critics.

"I don't feel like I've changed much, obviously physically, but I grew up. I was smiling in my baby pictures," said Osteen. "I've always been positive and hopeful and people ask me, 'Why did you decide to be a minister?' That's positive. This is just who I am. I didn't try to be this."

In fact, Osteen believes that if people stay true to themselves, then they will receive God's blessings. Because he did so, Osteen's blessings have truly been abundant. Not only did God give him a loving wife and a wonderful family, he also has one of the largest ministries in America and eight bestselling books as well.

He sometimes feels overwhelmed by everything God has blessed him with. Whenever he stands at the pulpit and looks at all the people who came just to hear him speak, he would think to himself, "How did all this happen?"

Given his positive outlook in life, it does not come as a surprise that Osteen's hope for America is for it to achieve peace and respect.

"[I pray] that we would come together in love and unity to see what a great country we are, to see the best in people and to have respect even when we don't agree. You don't have to agree with somebody to respect them or even to like them," he explained. "It's gotten to a point where you can't show any give at all, and I don't think that's the best way to live."

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