Late night show host, Jimmy Kimmel, has been recently advocating for better health care after his son was born with complications. Recently, on his show "Jimmy Kimmel Live," Kimmel had advocated for his audience to sign up for Trumpcare, which really was Obamacare.
In a report by Deadline, Kimmel had disguised Obamacare by calling it Trumpcare, since most Trump supporters were not showing support towards Obamacare – simply because of the name. The pretense of the monologue was to celebrate Trump's victory during the elections, after which Kimmel outlined the benefits of Trumpcare.
For those who are not familiar with the benefits of Obamacare, they might easily fall for Kimmel's ruse. Kimmel even mentioned that Trump has played over 70 games of golf since he became president.
The Huffington Post reported that Kimmel has already received praise from Trump supporters for giving Trump credit for his presidency. They have stated that Kimmel seemed genuinely sincere in advocating Trumpcare, which meant that some Trump supporters did not get the satire of Kimmel's bit. It is safe to assume that these people do not even know the full extent of the benefits that Obamacare can provide.
It is safe to assume that since advertising for Obamacare has been ceased, Kimmel is doing his part to keep it alive through his show. According to The Daily Beast, Kimmel is doing everything that he possibly can to make sure that the Affordable Care Act is kept afloat, which will remain possible if people keep subscribing to it. Healthcare is a sensitive topic for Kimmel, and has even worked with U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer to forward it.
The website Kimmel advocated in his show, healthcare.go was just opened on Nov. 1 and will be available for anyone who subscribes. Kimmel also said that it is "unfair" of him to keep criticizing Trump, and he should make more of an effort at highlighting the good deeds that the president has done for the country.