What are some of the ungodly soul ties in your life and how can you break them?

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The Bible speaks of the concept of soul ties that are built between two people. Some soul ties can be detrimental to the soul, but Jesus has promised victory over ungodly soul ties through His finished work on the cross.

While the phrase "soul tie" is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible, God makes it clear that they exist. A soul tie is a deep connection that is formed between two or more people that bridge both blessing and curse between them. There are many examples of soul ties given and they can be built by various means. Marriage is an example of a Godly soul tie that becomes a covenant blessing once done the way God commands.

However, there are also such things as ungodly soul ties. These are ties that are built by sin -- premarital sexual relations, unhealthy and unequally yoked friendships, pacts, vows and commitments that go agains God's ways. When we build these ungodly soul ties, we become affected by the sin and curses that a person we are tied to experiences.

Soul ties built on the wrong foundations can be gateways and foundations to destruction that the enemy desires to bring into our lives. John 10:10 tells us, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy." One of the major ways that the devil does this is by working through soul ties.

The Bible does promise us, however, that we can be free from the clutch of ungodly soul ties. Galatians 5:1 declares that "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." We can break the yoke of slavery to sin and to ungodly soul ties by the blood of Christ.

That's how powerful Jesus and His finished work is. The things that we cannot break or bind in the natural, God gives us the authority to do so today. Please do not misunderstand this: You do not have to earn salvation from soul ties. Once you receive Jesus into your life, you now have that power and authority today.

Through Christ's finished work, we have authority over all aspects of our life -- spirit, soul and body. Because Jesus is sufficient, we can firmly denounce and speak freedom from ungodly soul ties and the curses that come along with it.

Have you built strong vows, unequally yoked friendships or sexual relations that were outside of the boundaries of marriage? These are soul ties that you can denounce today through the power of Christ.