Jessa Duggar's husband Ben Seewald replies to critic telling him not to quote Scripture on Facebook

New dad Ben Seewald says, 'God's Word is a powerful thing.' (Instagram/Jessa Seewald)

All "Jill and Jessa: Counting On" star Ben Seewald did on March 10 was post Scripture coming from 1 Timothy 4:12. It says: "Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity."

Unfortunately, his post garnered some pretty harsh comments. One Facebook user Lori Jackson Puckett told him, "Please STOP quoting the scriptures OUT of context & borderline blasphemous. The historical context is essential in the correct lessons in the word. Mediocre interpretation is in danger of harsh judgement of the Father... GO TO SEMINARY!!!!"

Seewald kindly replied, "I agree Lori! Context is critical. However, in this case, I simply posted the Scripture itself with no comments, analysis, or anything from me. All I did was directly quote the Bible. Were you perhaps referring to a different post where I took a text out of context and came to a wrong conclusion in my analysis? I'm open for discussion if this is the case."

"I'm still learning, and I do have a long way to go. In order to get to seminary I need to finish my undergrad requirements, so that is what I am currently doing," he added.

Another user also weighed in: "Non-Christians love to prove Christians wrongs and one way they do this most effectively, at least in the eyes of those who are not Christian, is when they ask questions that the inexperienced cannot answer. In addressing such weighty subjects that you do, you are likely to attract those you would not know how to deal with at this stage of your education, and this will be discouraging to many who follow you."

Puckett had more to say to Seewald on the issue, saying, "Regardless of your lack of comments, analysis or anything... Simply posting, without context, is in itself the error. Direct quotes out of context are in itself a dangerous thing."

"More times than not, people post scripture out of context as it relates to a portion of their lives, a thought, and their feelings. This is the misuse of the holy scriptures. It is not honoring the Author when we pull down His word to ourselves and environment. This is a far too common prideful practice. In your youth you are going to make childish mistakes. You are now an adult, though young. Don't be seduced into the worldly following of 'Christian principles' and 'godly world-views.' This is triggered double speak of the deceived."

She finishes her post by saying, "Please go to an actual accredited school of theology."

As for Seewald, he reiterated that he is finishing his undergrad, then he wrote back, "There is also nothing wrong with sharing verses of Scripture alone, without human interpretation or explanation. God's Word is a powerful thing. The Holy Spirit can use the Word even without our human garnishing. So I believe it can be profitable on social media to post raw, ungarnished Bible, as well as more lengthy sermons, articles, and expositions."

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