Hip-hop artist J. Cole went on a Twitter rant on Sunday, Sept. 24, encouraging the boycott the National Football League (NFL) due to how they mistreated Colin Kaepernick. The football player was caught kneeling down instead of standing up with his hand on his chest during the national anthem.
According to Billboard, the "4 Your Eyez Only" rapper took to Twitter to air his sentiments over Kaepernick still being unsigned to a professional NFL team because of his act of protest during the national anthem. The rapper said that if it was proven that Kaepernick is indeed being denied a job for that, then fans of the sports league should start a boycott and stop watching it.
He posted 25 tweets about the subject in which he has gained a lot of support from his followers. One of his posts suggests that someone should hire a third-party investigator who is approved by the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) to determine if Kaepernick is really being punished because of his peaceful protest.
J. Cole added that it would be best for the NFL to compensate Kaepernick for the days he wasn't able to work if proven that he was treated unfairly. He even called out corporate businesses who sponsor the NFL to think before continuing to sponsor the said league.
So, next you turn your attention to these sponsors.
— J. Cole (@JColeNC) September 24, 2017
Pick one of the biggest ones and say, "do you agree with black balling players when they speak out against oppression?" — J. Cole (@JColeNC) September 24, 2017
"If not, why are you spending all this money with a League that clearly condones that? ... "
— J. Cole (@JColeNC) September 24, 2017
"You know what, I don't think I can spend my money with you no more until you fix this." — J. Cole (@JColeNC) September 24, 2017
Repeat this with another company, and another.
— J. Cole (@JColeNC) September 24, 2017
Although his rant started off sounding mad, he ended it on a positive note, saying, "Ima stop it there. Peace and love to all, let's give energy to the solutions not the problem. Even if you don't rock with mine."
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