'Islam worse than Nazism, poses clear and present danger to America's existence'

Protesters attend "Freedom of Speech Rally Round II" across the street from the Islamic Community Center in Phoenix, Arizona on May 29, 2015. Reuters

Islam is not a religion but a "totalitarian political ideology" worse than Nazism which poses "the clearest and most present danger to America's existence."

This assertion was made by an Egyptian woman who used the pen name Magda Borham in an open letter addressed to the United States and other Western countries, Charisma News reported.

Borham warned in her letter that America faces an Islamic invasion through "immigration."

She said having lived in Egypt for more than 30 years, she has come to know the true meaning of Islam and the mentality of Muslims.

"If you listen to the cries of the Copts of Egypt, the Christians of Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Pakistan and all the other Muslim countries, you will hear the descriptions of the horrors of Islam," she wrote.

Borham said it is very important for Americans to know that "Islam is a supremacist, racist political and social ideology wrapped in a thin peel of religious rituals."

She branded Islam as "worse than Nazism and fascism systems combined without any doubt" since it seeks domination and supremacy over all other systems and religions.

She warned Americans that Muslims will "use your own democratic laws and values against you."

She advised US leaders to be very careful in accepting Muslim migrants. "Your country is like your house; you expect visitors who come to your house to respect you and respect your rules, not the opposite. Visitors must appreciate your kindness and your generousity for receiving them into your home and not imposing their own rules on you. This is your house, you own it, so you have the obligation to protect it and defend it," she said.

"If the visitor doesn't like your rules, all he has to do is to leave. Nobody obliged him to visit you, and nobody will prevent him from leaving. As he came to your house by his own choice, he can leave your house freely or by force, if required."

Borham said Muslims are very good in accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of. "They accuse you of being racist, while they are themselves racist ... They accuse you to be a hater, while they themselves hate unconditionally ... They accuse you of being a bigot, while Muslims ... are bigotry themselves," she said.

"Remember, Muslims love and need to portray themselves always as 'victims.' This is their greatest weapon against you in the West. Victimhood enables them to act violently and give them the pretext to attack non-Muslims around the world. It fuels them more and more with hate," she explained.

Borham's full letter can be read at nocompulsion.com. Her original letter was written in Arabic, but this was translated into English by John Hayward.

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