Is coronavirus one of the end-time plagues prophesied in the Book of Revelation?

Workers in protective suits disinfect a residential area following the outbreak of coronavirus. Reuters

With the coronavirus now causing the deaths of 100,000s across the globe, and infecting millions of others, a wave of articles and blogs has emerged debating whether the current virus outbreak is the start of the apocalypse and prophesied in the Bible as what we could expect to see in the End Times.

Apologist Dr Michael Brown has weighed in on the growing speculation, and has responded to other Christian commentators who are suggesting that the coronavirus might be one of the End Time plagues described in the Book of Revelation.

One of those commentators who is speculating on the link between the coronavirus and the End Times, is evangelical Michael Snyder, who has included the deadly virus in his "list of 10 plagues that are hitting our planet simultaneously" in modern times.

It's not the only medical condition on Snyder's list, with bird flu and swine flu also being branded as "plagues".  He highlighted other recent global phenomena to make up his list of 10 modern day plagues: armies of locusts, bizarre weather, unprecedented flooding, major earthquakes, unusual volcanic eruptions, coronavirus, African swine fever, H1N1 swine flu, H5N1 bird flu and H5N8 bird flu.

Some social media followers would appear to agree. Twitter user Anna-Marie has said: "Coronavirus. THE Bible mention this would happen in THE last days with much sickness and virus some believe its THE END signs."

Another Twitter user, Lorenzo Flavian has said: "The coronavirus has just become biblical. It's beginning to resemble bible verses from the book of revelation. I'm not a religious guy but I study everything."

Meanwhile, Southern Baptist theologian Al Mohler, in his musings on the coronavirus, also makes a connection with the book of Revelation, saying, "We are also reminded of Revelation 6:7-8 in which we read, 'When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, 'Come and see'. So I looked and behold a pale horse, and the name of him who sat on it was Death and Hades followed with him."

He added, "That fourth horseman has often been associated with plague, with illness, with a violent death by means of this kind of disease, which we now identify primarily with deadly viruses spreading across the human population."

But Mohler has stopped short of saying that the coronavirus is one of the end-time plagues.  Rather, he thinks it's "a warning" of some type of "horrifying" apocalyptic future where God will pour out His judgment on humanity.

However, Dr Brown in his own reflections, has said he doesn't want to minimise the seriousness of the current coronavirus outbreak, but he's yet to be persuaded that it is an end-time plague as prophesied in the Bible. 

That's because he thinks when the end-time plagues do come, they'll be much worse than coronavirus. He has said, "In stark contrast, if the Book of Revelation does, indeed, describe a series of terrifying, end-time plagues, those plagues will mark the end of civilization as we know it, along with the ushering in of a glorious new age."

"Again, I'm not minimizing the serious of the virus [...]. But we minimize the intensity of end-time biblical prophecy by imagining this deadly virus to be an apocalyptic plague.  More importantly, we forget that biblical judgments are connected with clear words of warning."

He added, "'Judgment is coming! Repent! Don't let sin destroy you! Turn to God for mercy!' I did not hear such warnings in the months leading up to Covid-19." 

Brown said he thinks the signs of the end times will "become much clearer" and won't be "a virus just popping up out of the blue". 

"My own understanding is that there will be massive upheaval before the end of the world, in the midst of which there will also be a mighty spiritual outpouring," said Dr Brown. "But either way, what is clear to me is that we should not view the coronavirus as a prophesied, end-time plague."

"Instead, we should view it in the same way we have viewed many other epidemics and pandemics in world history. They are tragic reminders of the broken state of our world and of the frailty of our race. And while doing all we can to prevent and combat the spread of Covid-19, we should pray for the mercy of God.

"The final shaking will be far more intense than this."

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