Is Christmas celebrated in the Bible?


Christians all over the world celebrate Christmas, the day the Saviour of the world was born of a virgin. People celebrating Christmas celebrate it in different ways: some with a Christmas service in church, some with a gift-giving activity, others with a vacation somewhere relaxing, and most (if not all) with food and a good time with family.

But while we celebrate Christmas in modern times without question, have we ever stopped to think if it was celebrated during the time Christ was born? Was Christmas ever celebrated in the Bible?

Let's talk about that.


So many people consider Christmas day a "happy holiday" for gifts and doing good "in the spirit of Christmas," but technically speaking, the Bible did not celebrate Christmas day. The Bible, however, shows us that it did anticipate and celebrate a few important things:

Christ's coming, His death, and His resurrection

Celebrating the coming Messiah

People in Bible times probably did not know that the day Christ was born would become a holiday. Jews who believed in God merely hoped for the coming of the promised Messiah. And in fact, many of them thought that the coming Messiah would be like a warrior king who would free them from the grip of the ruler above them.

Christ the Messiah, however, came in a way that no one would've ever thought. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, was laid in a manger, and was not really attractive. The Christ made Himself of no reputation - just think how He was born in such humble conditions.

Many people waited for His arrival. Anna the prophetess. Simeon the old man in the temple. John the Baptist. The magi who brought gifts from afar. Even heaven eagerly celebrated His coming, declaring praise to God as they announced the good news to unsuspecting shepherds on duty. (see Luke 2)

Celebrating His death

The Bible is clear about Christ's coming: He was destined to die to fulfill the law, for sin and death to be destroyed, and for us to live. Christmas, then isn't just about His coming; it's also about His dying.

The Lord Jesus Himself taught us to remember His death. He didn't tell us to celebrate His birth - He taught us to celebrate His very death through the breaking of bread: His death which brought us life.

Celebrating His resurrection

Another thing the Bible celebrates - and celebrates greatly - is the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. His resurrection proves a lot of things: that He is God, that He is sinless, that He has defeated sin and death, and that He will never ever die again. His resurrection is the foundation for our hope and our life. Without His resurrection, our faith is futile and our hope nothing but a lie.

Christ's resurrection is the very thing we should celebrate this Christmas. He did say that He came so that we'd have life, and have it abundantly. This abundant life that He promised can only be ours because He is risen from the dead.

In conclusion

So, does the Bible celebrate Christmas? If Christmas is the day Christ was born, yes it does, but it celebrates more than that: it celebrates Christ's death and resurrection, the very reasons why Christ came.

That's what we should celebrate, too.