'Iron Fist' season 2 cast rumors: Character description hints at female lead villain

Finn Jones as Danny Rand in "Iron Fist" Netflix

The first season of "Iron Fist" was regarded by critics as one of the worst Marvel/Netflix collaborations to date. However, big changes are coming to season 2 that should significantly improve the show and it may include a new villain.

The Hashtag Show has gotten ahold of an "Iron Fist" season 2 character description for an individual who is code-named "Tanya Parker." The character is described as a freelance covert operative in her late 20s who has carried out many high-level missions. Tanya, per the notice, is also adept at blending in and playing whatever part she needs to accomplish her tasks.

Judging from the information, the publication speculates that the mystery character could be Lady Gorgon, also known as Tanya Adrian. According to reports, Lady Gorgon has a strong connection to The Hand, which plays a major role in "Iron Fist" season 1. Apart from her skill as an assassin, she is also a telepath who can control and manipulate others then use it to cause great emotional pain to her foes .

While she is the most plausible candidate for the role, The Hashtag Show notes that there are other Marvel villains who fit the description as well. Among them is Black Mamba/Tanya Sealey. The character used to be a call girl chosen by the Roxxon Oil Company to do a covert operation. Her brain was surgically enhanced, giving her telepathic powers and ability to overpower enemies' minds with a deadly energy called the darkforce.

Other possibilities include a female version of the Marvel villain Scimitar or an entirely brand-new character. There is also a chance that this person is actually a hero and not a villain, although it is unlikely. Either way, fans can expect that a badass female character will be added to the mix.

"Iron Fist" season 2 has already been confirmed by Netflix. Although it has no return date yet, its production is set to begin this month.