iPhone 7 rumors: Waterproof chassis still possible

 Martin Hajek

New reports are coming in, further building on the claim that the next Apple flagship, the iPhone, 7 will be a fully waterproof handset device.

According to Commercial Times, Catcher Technology has confirmed that the company will be Apple's supplier for the iPhone 7 chassis, and manufacturing will start in the later parts of 2016. Commercial Times goes on to state that Catcher is indeed working on a completely water-proof enclosure for the iPhone 7.

The report states that the iPhone 7's antenna bands will be replaced with a compound material that will further close up the body of the phone to protect under the hood components.

Additionally, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office revealed a patent filed by Apple for a system that would expel water that enters a phone through acoustic cavities by creating a hydrophobic system in between the layers of the device. The iPhone 6S and 6S Plus both have improved resistance to water exposure, and it is likely that Apple will build on this improvement by pressing on towards creating a fully water-proof device.

Apple fans eagerly await the next autumn unveiling by the company, which is when it is assumed the iPhone 7 will be announced. As early as now, however, reports continue to build on specs and features that users can expect from the next iPhone handset.

The iPhone 7 is expected to have the same 3D Touch Feature, ID Touch sensors and most likely the same screen size as the iPhone 6 series as well. There are rumors stating that an iPhone 7 Plus will also be likely to be created. The smartphone will be powered by no less than the upcoming A9 chipset, that analysts are saying may be introduced in the 4-inch iPhone 6C that will come earlier (most likely the second quarter of 2016.)

The handset is also rumoured to have no headphone jack, and an all in one lightning jack will serve as a connector for the devices to all peripherals.