iOS 11 release date, features news: iOS 11 for fall launch; public beta features improved control center music icon

The iPad and two iPhones showing a glimpse of iOS 11 Apple/ios/ios-11

No exact release date has been given yet for the formal launch of iOS 11, but at least there are public and developer beta versions that are now available. The latest developer beta shows an improved music icon in the control center among other rearranged icons and features.

Developer beta 5 has been laid out for developers to fix the bugs they found as well as some changes. Since the launch of the iOS 7, which completely changed the design of the icons and the interface, even more changes have been made by its successors. Some of the big changes that were noticed by developers was the music icon in the control center.

It has been redesigned with a signal indicator which gives users a selection of available audio sources, like AirPlay, AirPods, and speakers. Tap the indicator and the list of audio sources comes up.

Another noticeable change was that of the iMessages. So far, the iOS 11 developer beta removed the syncing of iMessages to the iCloud. It is not clear as to why it was taken out, but according to Apple, the feature may return in a future update once iOS 11 officially launches. Other changes made were the looks of the settings and camera icons, as well as the indicator for on-screen recording.

Meanwhile, many iOS users know that icons can only be moved one at a time. It seems that iOS 11 will change that as Apple has come up with a way to be able to move multiple icons in one go. The process is similar to choosing which photos to delete from the camera roll.

After pressing an icon long enough until it starts to wiggle, drag the icon to move it. Tap the other icons with another finger to select them for moving as well. When all the desired icons are selected, move to the desired location then release.