iOS 11 jailbreak news: Jailbreak available to iOS 10 and iOS 11 users

The iOS 10 jailbreak won't be out anytime soon but iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak could see the light of day any day now. Reuters/Jonathan Alcorn

Currently, Apple is busy developing iOS 11 and the numerous beta versions that it will undergo before its release. With that, it is now a good time for people who are interested in conducting jailbreaking on the available iOS 10.x.x. jailbreaks while testing the compiled iOS 11 jailbreaks.

According to 1reddrop, people who are interested in conducting jailbreak on iOS 10 must know the availability for their device. The website reported that there are three iOS 10 jailbreaks in beta stage, in which some are stable and usable with iPhone 7.

If the interested jailbreaker is a user of iOS 10.0x to iOS 10.1.1, a beta called IPAbeta4 is currently available for them. The IPAbeta4, or "extra_recipe+yaluX jailbreak," is reported to be in its fourth beta already.

In addition, there is also the yalu+mach_portal iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak that could work with devices like the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. 1rredrop reported that the yalu+mach_portal iOS 10.1.1 is ideally better to work with iPhone 7 and 7 Plus than other iPhone versions. However, these devices need a hard reset for a few times in order to have the guaranteed result. Two beta versions are also available now for conducting a jailbreak: the IPAbeta4-1 and IPbeta3.

The iOS 10 jailbreak is also available now for all 64-bit devices apart from iPhone 7 and 7 Plus. The beta on these devices is already in its seventh beta under yalu102 or the IPAbeta 7 since it supports versions up to iOS 10.2.

There is also the unreleased iOS 10.3.1 jailbreak from Pangu that would not be available to the public because it has not moved on from the demo stage. The iOS 10.3.2 jailbreak from KeenLab's Liang Chen might face the same fate for the same reason with the jailbreak from Pangu.

People who are interested in jailbreaking are cautioned about having a fake jailbreak that could cost security problems. In a report by Motherboard, Apple is offering monetary rewards to bust people who jailbreak iOS devices but so far, it's failing since jailbreaking offers more money.