According to the Bible, we are expected to invest all our gifts in serving God. After 25 years as an OAC Ministries evangelist, John Howarth and his wife Jean were looking for new ways to invest their talents when they moved to Preston in 2006. Since then, two unexpected ways have emerged.
In 2008, John began working with the City of Preston Squadron Air Training Corps. At about the same time, a very different opportunity to lead Bible studies for Chinese students was developing. In January 2009, he was officially appointed Honorary Chaplain of the Squadron.
Young Air Force Cadets from their early to mid-teens enthusiastically join in the sessions John leads.
"In this secular age, I am amazed at how seriously they take the role of the chaplaincy," he notes.
"At the end of one talk on the “Prodigal Son” I was able to give away Naval & Military Bible Society booklets on the Prodigal Son – and one still remains pinned to the notice board months afterwards!"
Chaplain Howarth points out the contrast between this ministry and his evangelism activities. He does not preach directly although he does share what the Bible says.
He explains, "I assure them that I’m there for all of them, those with or without the Christian faith, those of other faiths, or none at all. Normally, I go in each week. I’m there to listen, both to cadets and to staff as they come up and chat and pour out their problems."
Then there is the formal ‘Padre’s Hour’ each month. John begins with a straight forward message, accompanied by the sketchboard which he uses to illustrate key points. He has been impressed with how quiet and attentive the cadets are throughout this session. They seem to welcome the change from computerised learning.
Each message is followed by a worksheet and discussion starter. Sessions become interactive and provide a springboard for deeper understanding of biblical relevance today.
"Behind every good man, there is a better woman!" John is quick to add. His wife Jean, a former head of RE in a secondary school, prepares John’s written material, based on his core messages. She does the same type of preparation for the Bible studies among Chinese students.
This work began due to the number of universities with Chinese students. They are outstanding academically but want very much to understand British culture, including faith. The Howarths and other Christians have welcomed the Chinese students into their churches and homes. Small Bible study groups are helping them to learn about
Christianity – and come to faith.