Inspired by her faith in Jesus, broadcaster Pam Rhodes steps up to help people with leprosy

Pam Rhodes is joining the Leprosy Mission Photo: BBC

Inspired by her Christian faith, TV broadcaster and author Pam Rhodes has stepped in to help people suffering from leprosy.

Rhodes, known for fronting the BBC's Songs of Praise, has been appointed vice president of The Leprosy Mission

She said: 'As a Christian, I've always been moved by stories in the Bible of people with leprosy being feared, expelled to live in colonies and separated from their families and community.

'Like most of us, I assumed that both that attitude, and the disfiguring disease itself, had been eradicated over the last 2,000 years. It was shocking to discover that despite a cure being available, millions of people worldwide still struggle with the terrible effects of leprosy and a general attitude of rejection and stigma.

'We often ask, "What would Christ do?" I think he'd work to change the health and the lives of everyone with leprosy by the development of medical science, education and the creation of opportunities which will allow leprosy-affected people to have the dignity and sense of worth they deserve.'

She said she loved the fact that the Leprosy Mission is supported by Christians in all walks of life who do whatever they can to help: 'An army of ordinary people can work wonders when they know they are fighting to eradicate injustice and suffering.'

Pilgrims suffering from leprosy beg near a statue of Saint Lazarus in Rincon, Cuba. Reuters

National director of The Leprosy Mission England and Wales, Peter Waddup, said: 'We are delighted to welcome Pam to the Mission. We know she will make a wonderful vice president and a great contribution to our work.'

Leprosy is caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae and symptoms can take between five and 20 years to appear. Many thousands of new cases are reported each year, even though it can be treated. It affects the the skin, nerves, breathing and the eyes and is transmited via droplets from the nose and mouth.