I need you in order to survive

 (Photo: Getty/iStock)

At the starting of the pandemic, I didn't mind the separation. We got to avoid those awkward hugs from people we barely knew, or from those we weren't sure if they were a hugger or not! We got to stay home and watch 'church' from the comfort of our home in our pyjamas. We didn't have to spend as much money eating out or meeting up with our friends. At times we felt like this was the perfect scenario, especially for my fellow introverts.

But then the weeks turned into months and the months into years, and even for introverts we started yearning for our community. Slowly, the part of our being that was made to connect with others began to hurt. We knew that we needed something, but not all of us realized that what was missing was the need for community.

In Hebrews chapter 10 verses 24 and 25 it says, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

There was a reason the writer of Hebrews was reminding us to not give up meeting with each other, especially when we see the 'Day' approaching. When we have lost our zeal and our drive to keep going, it's our community that provides strength.

The Day approaching means the end of times, and with everything that we see happening around us, we know that we are in the End Times. And now we need each other more than ever. It's not easy being a Christian. The only thing that keeps us on this path is the Holy Spirit walking with us.

No longer do we crave the separation, or the lack of connection, but it all seems so foreign that it's hard for us to come back together after being away for so long. However, so many people are hurting and it's as a result of the separation over the past two years. We got used to being away from fellowship and now coming back together could be making us uncomfortable. The only solution for our hurting church is to push past the discomfort and not forsake the assembly of God.

God made us to be a part of community. Even when Jesus was on earth, He demonstrated the need for community and fellowship. He lived in community, travelling with His disciples, teaching them, eating with them, encouraging them, comforting them, praying with them, and doing life with them.

Our community should consist of believers that can support us and lift us up when we are falling and, in turn, we do the same for them. From creation, God said it was not good for man to be alone, so why do we feel like we can be alone and survive effectively?

It breaks my heart to see the people of God pulling away from the church. The church is not the building, it's a community of people that need other people. We are all broken and in need of a Saviour. We are not perfect, and that's why we need each other. I need you and you need me – we need each other to survive.

The Day of the Lord is approaching, and we know that there will be a falling away from the churches, don't be one that falls away. Don't let the circumstances of the past two years change the path God has called you to. No man is an island. If you didn't know before, I need you in order to survive.