Why it's important to live free from the pressure of other people's opinions


The opinions and approval of other people about us can be a strong factor in our deeds and thoughts. So often we can be thinking whether people will be okay with what we are about to do, but God tells us again and again that more important than the opinion of man is the opinion of God.

Whether it's the opinion of your boss, your friends, your congregation, you churchmates or even your spouse, there can often be a certain amount of pressure laid on gaining the approval of others. You know, that's not such a bad thing. There is nothing wrong with wanting to act in a way that will not offend or malign others.

The danger starts when we start looking for our approval and meaning in whether people accept us or not. Why? Because the fact of the matter is that there will always be someone who will not approve of you. Someone will always go against your ideologies, methodologies, values or purpose. Not necessarily because they're bad people, but because we were never truly meant to gain approval from other people.

2 Thessalonians 2:4 tells us, "But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts."

When God calls us to do something, the opinions of others can sometimes try to compete with God's marching orders. But it's pretty clear that God's words have much more weight than man's words. Often times when we feel pressured by the opinions of others, the pressure is actually self-inflicted.

The approval of men will always be a challenge because we live in a world where we feel like we have to earn approval. But just as 2 Thessalonians 2:4 reminds us, in God we are already approved, not because of the work that we are now called into, but because of the work Jesus Christ has already done. People may disapprove of your means, your character or your beliefs, but remember that no matter what, Jesus approved of you and exchanged your value with His.

We live lives of faith to please God and not man because at the end of the day, the life we live is one that is bought by God with a price and He has paid that price in full through Jesus Christ. That doesn't mean we don't live lives that bless and honour our friends, workmates, family, churchmates or anyone around us. However, we owe nothing to the opinions of men, but owe everything to the glory of God.