How to Enjoy Every Season of Life


I have often heard of Christians saying that their spiritual life is sometimes dry. I used to believe that. After all, I've experienced times when I felt that I wasn't growing in God. I realised after a while that that declaration and belief is wrong. Why? It's because of what Jesus said in John 4:14:

"...but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."

The Lord Jesus said that whoever drinks of the water that He gives will never thirst. They might walk on fiery trials, and might go through parched lands, but they "will never thirst." Jesus said the water that He gives will become a fountain inside of us—a fountain that will enable us to experience His hope no matter what we face.

Hope in Every Season of Life

The Christian life is one that isn't dry. It's one that is continually nourished by the living Word of God, no matter what season of life we face. Speaking of seasons, let's talk about the seasons of life.

"For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven." — Ecclesiastes 3:1

There are four seasons in every year, two if you're in tropical regions. We all know that there's spring, summer, fall, and winter—always in that order. The Christian life goes through all of those seasons, but keep in mind that we will never thirst whatever season we may find ourselves in.

Seasons of Life

Spring talks of the time when plants are in full bloom. Leaves shoot up, flowers bloom, and there's so much green everywhere. This is like the time when we first met Jesus: we are so in love with Him and are full of hope. Do we thirst? No, but we want more of Christ.

Then comes summer. We find ourselves walking in hot weather, with our skin colour getting tanned by the sun. At times our Christian life is like this: subject to fiery trials. Did Christ leave us? No He didn't. Let's long for Him.

Then comes fall, when all leaves start falling down. This is when our enthusiasm from being born again slowly normalises and we realise that we're simply human. Yes we're saved, but we still face hardships and thus some of us lose fervour towards God. Did Jesus say we will thirst? No He didn't. Let us seek Him.

Finally, the cold of winter sets in. Plants appear dying, and animals start hibernating. We think as if our spiritual growth in God comes to a halt and we begin to hope that He would touch us and set our hearts on fire once more. But, let's ask ourselves: does the water that Christ gives dry up? No, it doesn't. Let's trust in Him.

Christ's Living Water

Friends, Christ promised that those who drink of His water will never thirst. Whatever the season we are facing, we can have hope in Him for He is powerful and Sovereign. His love never fails.

The Christian life might feel dry, but it is never dry if we rely on Christ Jesus.