How to break a gossiping spirit


Our tongue is more powerful than we think and words have more weight than they appear. That's why Ephesians 4:29 instructs us, "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."

A study by Cole and Dalton indicates that gossip generally comprises 14 percent of coffee break conversations and that 66 percent of conversations amongst people are about social topics concerning other people.

Gossip is a real threat to relationships. More relationships have been broken by the mistrust that negative gossip brings than misunderstandings and arguments. Christians are not exempt from this either. Churches and ministries are just as plagued with gossip as offices are.

Everyone has struggled or is struggling in some way with taming the tongue and avoiding gossip. Here are four practical ways to beat the gossiping spirit that tries to break our relationships.

Understand that it is destructive

According to the American Psychology Association, 93 percent of students claim that they have no ill will when they gossip. Many people think that their words do not hurt others, but we must understand that gossip will always be destructive.

Accepting that our words can hurt people just as our actions would is crucial to beating the temptation and the urge to gossip.

Embrace humility

Gossip can often be tied to a very strong amount of pride in our hearts. Most gossip is fed by the belief that we need to discuss matters about other people because we feel they are a threat to our being.

Galatians 6:4 tells us, "Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else."

Let God's Spirit work through your tongue

Self-control comes as a result of embracing and receiving the fruit of the Spirit. As God anoints us with His enabling presence, we are rid of the need to attack others with words and the bitterness that drives them. God fills us with so much of His love that it will only overflow as compassion from our tongues.

Progress not perfection

Just like any other sin, gossip doesn't always go away overnight. It takes a great deal of spiritual discipline and a whole lot of surrender to be able to break free from the curse of gossip, but it starts always with putting Jesus as the motive behind everything that we do, including our speech.