How to Beat Loneliness This Christmas? Billy Graham Answers


For people who have lost a loved one and now dread the idea of spending Christmas alone, evangelist Billy Graham can understand their pain. Even though his late wife Ruth passed away several years ago, Graham said the pain of her absence still feels acute.

"I still miss her every day. I'm thankful some of my family will be with me at Christmas – but Ruth always loved the holidays, and we'll be saddened by her absence," he shared in a post for the Bowling Green Daily News.

So how can people like him keep themselves from being overwhelmed with sorrow? Graham suggested three things to help people cope with loneliness. First, he encouraged people to look to the past. God has blessed people with the love of their dearly departed loved ones, and they should thank God for the memories they have shared in this life.

"Have you ever stopped to thank Him for this? In other words, don't let the loneliness of the present crowd out the happiness of the past," he said.

Then, Graham told people to look to the present. Instead of dwelling on personal grief, Graham told them to focus on other people's pain.

"All around you are people who are lonely or grieving or discouraged. Ask God to help you reach out and be a friend to them this Christmas," he said. "It may be someone you already know – in your church or among your circle of friends. Invite them to dinner; take them to a Christmas program at your church; in small ways let them know you care. They need you – and you need them."

And lastly, Graham said people should look to the future. He said Jesus Christ was sent to this world for one reason — to die on the cross so that sinners can find salvation and spend eternity with Him in heaven. The more people look to this eternity, all light and momentary troubles will seem insignificant and burdens become lighter, he said.

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