How must you deal with a boss who wants you to do something sinful


The Lord commands all Christians to live a holy life. As much as possible, we are told to keep away from sin. However, some of us are in a tighter spot compared to others, because some work under bosses or superiors who aren't Christian.

Christians belonging to the secular workforce face the pressure of constantly keeping themselves away from sin in addition to keeping up with the tasks and demands given by the jobs they have. And if the ones leading the company aren't Christ-followers, the Christian worker might be ordered to do something offensive to the Lord.

Have you been in this situation?

Here are some things you can do in dealing with a boss who commands you to do something sinful.

1. Gently and humbly say "No"

Brother, you need to stand your ground if you really want to shine for the Lord in your company. If your boss asks you to do something sinful, gently and humbly respond with a nice, "Sorry sir, but I can't do that."

The Lord Jesus Himself said that we should let our light shine so that others may see and glorify our Father in heaven. If we, as Christians, merely throw our godly convictions aside in the pursuit of a promotion or a better relationship with our boss, we fail to let our light shine on them. Who will show them the right way?

This one takes a lot of courage and resolve as it might cause you to be demoted or even lose the job. But if you love the Lord more than your current occupation, you might as well be prepared to lose your job than damage your relationship with God.

2. If you can, explain why you can't do what your boss tells you to do

If your boss asks you to forge a document, or change some figures in the accounting books so that the company can evade paying high taxes, you should prayerfully tell him why you shouldn't do it. Your boss just might be persuaded and decide to change his ways. Glory to God!

3. If all else fails, prayerfully consider another job

If your boss is very demanding, to the point that your convictions are getting challenged and your testimony is getting broken, pray to the Lord to ask for a new job. Your current position and income, no matter how big it may be, isn't worth your testimony and relationship with God.

Matthew 16:24-26 says, "Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?"