How miraculous healing works and why it happens

 Pixabay / Steve PB

From the times of the Bible until today, believers have had encounters of physical healing from sickness. Sometimes it can be as simple as the grace of God working through medications or sometimes through a miraculous move that instantly removes terminal diseases. But in all circumstances of healing, there is one common denominator: the glorification of Jesus Christ.

There are least 40 individual accounts of healing done by Jesus. Almost all of them had one thing in common- that is the purpose of the healing.

God's original intent in healing is not to just bring physical mitigation to those who are with ailment. Sure the freedom from sickness is one of the benefits of Jesus' ministry, but His original intent was always to bring freedom from the source of sickness and disease which is sin itself.

Romans 5:12 says, "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned."

Most of the time, disease, pain and suffering are a result of the sin that is in this world. Jesus' intent was always to free people from the clutches of sin that comes from the world. Sometimes sickness comes as a result of our disobedience or sometimes by the disobedience of someone else that then affects another such as the effects of generational curses in the form of sickness (for instance, the occurrence of chronic diseases such as haemophilia which is a genetically transmitted condition).

The main goal Jesus had when He performed miracles associated with healing- or any miracle for that matter- was always evangelism. When Jesus healed the sick, He would always tell them to either turn from their sin or to share their testimony to their families. Jesus often connected physical healing with spiritual healing through the forgiveness of sins by faith.

When we are to move in the ministry of healing, we always move both through the power of Christ and for the glorification of Christ. The source of power to heal comes because of the finished work of Jesus because He took the curse of sin, sickness and death from us.

Galatians 3:13-14 declares that "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: 'Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.'" Moreover, every time a person is healed, let us glorify Jesus- not the channel of healing, not the miracle, not the sickness.