How God Puts His Hand In Your Love Story


The Bible tells us that God is an active part of our lives, whether we know it or not. He makes the sun to shine on both the wicked and the righteous, and keeps watch over the birds in the sky so that they do not fall without His knowledge and consent. He does love to be part of our lives, especially if we are His children through Christ.


One aspect of our lives where God loves to put His hand on if we would allow Him is the area of courtship. God loves to set people up, for He has plans for every single one of us. He did this with Adam, and wants to do it with us too.

As a man who is grateful to God for giving him the best wife ever, I can assure you that God knows what is best for you, and wants to partner with you in the process of singleness, courtship, and marriage, if you'd let Him.

Biblical Examples

To cite some examples, let's go over some marriages where God put His hand to do something great.

1. Rebekah and Isaac

Genesis 24 tells us that Isaac was able to find the perfect wife without even looking for her – God was the one who worked to set their marriage up.

Abraham commanded his servant to find a wife for Isaac in his hometown. In obedience, the servant went, praying to the Lord for help. And God did help by letting him meet Rebekah in such a short amount of time—before he had finished praying (see Genesis 24:15). Rebekah went with him, and was wed to Isaac according to God's purposes.

2. Ruth and Naomi

The Book of Ruth presents to us how God arranged that a Gentile would be part of the lineage of Christ. Ruth, a Moabite, was a widow who promised to go with her mother-in-law wherever she went, and would even make her mother-in-law's God her God (see Ruth 1:16-17). Of course we know that Naomi worshipped our God.

Later we read that through a string of God-ordained events, Ruth was wed to Boaz, an Israelite who happened to bear the role of a kinsman-redeemer according to Jewish culture. He happily obliged to fulfill his responsibility to Naomi for he was his kin. Because of this, Ruth became David's great grandmother (see Matthew 1:5-6).

3. Esther and King Xerxes

Esther was an orphan Jew who was raised by Mordecai, her older cousin (see Esther 2:5-7). She became part of a beauty pageant of sorts meant to find a wife for King Xerxes, who reigned from India to Ethiopia during his time (see Esther 1:1). Xerxes was delighted with her and threw a feast as he made her queen (see Esther 2:17-18).

What Esther and the whole kingdom did not know was that God had set her up to be the queen (see Esther 4:14) so that all of God's people, the Jews, would be rescued from a plot to annihilate them. Talk about God setting up a marriage for such a great purpose.

God's Hands in Your Story

Keep in mind that it was God who thought of giving Adam a spouse (see Genesis 2). It was God who set up Isaac and Rebekah (see Genesis 24). It was God who brought Ruth to Boaz (see Book of Ruth). It was God who told Joseph to marry Mary (see Matthew 1:18-25). He sets up marriages according to His pleasure – and He will set yours up, too, if you follow Him.