How Christians Can Move on From Failed Relationships


When people get hurt by those they love, it can often be difficult to learn how to build back love, trust and respect. As difficult as it might be to do so, Pastor Shane Idleman of Westside Christian Fellowship said all things are possible with the help of God.

"Regardless of what you have endured, God can deliver you from the emotional scares and feelings of abandonment, and break the walls that imprison," he wrote in an article for The Christian Post.

But how can the healing start? Idleman said people can start undoing the emotional pain they've experienced by understanding that everything depends on their minds. Regret and failure will linger as long as people let them, he said. Scripture is quite clear in this regard, too: People can't change the things that have happened, but they can certainly change their futures.

"We must understand that our mind is where battles are won or lost. Those who do not forgive or release bitterness, anger, and hurt, never experience freedom, happiness, or 'true' restoration. It all starts here," he said.

If people fail to forgive, then their bitterness will surely tarnish their relationships. But if people make up their minds to forgive, Idleman said God will turn their brokenness into an "unbreakable force," and they will find joy in new beginnings.

Letting go of bitterness, pride, lust, selfishness, and other bad things is easier said than done, but Idleman stressed that these "destructive influences" keep people from starting their rebuilding process. Without quashing these negativity, people will find their spiritual health at risk.

"Our attitude should be one in which we surrender our entire lifestyle to God," he said. "It's little wonder that many go through life changing partners, careers, or residency searching for someone or something that can never be found apart from the wholeness that a personal relationship with Christ brings. If this is you, I encourage you to stop wandering from relationship to relationship and allow God to rebuild and restore."