How bad experiences can be used as springboards to success


All of us go through bad experiences every now and then. Losses, failures, injustice and defeat — these bad experiences can either be the reason for us to stay down and stuck in the mud, or the reason for us to rise up and be enabled to pull others out of the clay as well.


Bad experiences are painful, discouraging and regretful. One thing that many don't see, however, is that bad experiences are also springboards that people can use to propel them to greater heights.

You may have heard the story of Joseph, the owner of the multi-coloured dreamcoat given by his dad Jacob. According to his story in Genesis 37-50, Joseph had very proud dreams but was thrown into a pit and sold as a slave by his brothers. He was maliciously accused by his boss's wife and was forgotten by his friends in prison.

But God later redeemed him and raised him up to become Egypt's second-in-command.

Near the end of his story, he was able to say one of the most encouraging lines in the Scripture: "You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people." (Genesis 50:20)

Your time to rise

My friends, since our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, He is able to make us rise from our fall the same way He did with Joseph. The story of success doesn't have to stay with Joseph: It can be your story, too. Your bad experiences can also be your springboard to reach great heights for the glory of God.

Rising up, however, has its challenges. Like Joseph, we must learn not to be bitter, but to release forgiveness to those who brought us down. We must learn to look up and not bask in self-pity. We must learn to trust God and do our best in everything that we should do.

Like Joseph, we must hold on to the dream that God has for us: that we should be conformed to the likeness of Christ Jesus in all that we think, say or do, living for God's glory and pleasure alone.

"For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do my own will" – Jesus. (John 6:38)

Let me encourage you, my friend with this: Isaiah 43:1 tells us that God, who created us with His marvelous wisdom and loving hands, has called you by your name, signifying that you are His.

You belong to Him, and He will be faithful to continue what He has started doing in you until you are perfected on the day of Christ (see Philippians 1:6).

Don't stay down. Look up to Him.