House of Cards season 3 production, release date in the air as Maryland threatens to seize property

House of Cards season 3 production, release date in the air as Maryland threatens to seize property

The House of Cards Season 3 release date on Netflix is still up in the air as a real life Frank Underwood style stand off takes place in Maryland.

Del. William Frick (D-Montgomery) was being touted as a real-life Frank Underwood by others in Maryland's House of Delegates on Thursday when he stepped up against House of Cards producers who had tried to strong handle the state with an ultimatum.

Frick lashed back against a threat made by House of Cards producers, who said in January that they would stop filming the show in Maryland if they were denied more tax credit money by authorities. Those behind the Netflix show boasted how the show had created jobs and income for the area, and used the political show's benefits to the area to demand advantages in return from authorities.

However, Frick – rather than backing down – used a move directly from the Frank Underwood playbook. He went before his peers in the Senate saying that if the show left, the state would use eminent domain to seize, purchase or even condemn the show's sets, equipment and property, according to The Washington Post.

It appeared as though Frick had even done a "Frank Underwood" by rallying support even before he made his statements; with barely any debate or roll call vote, the delegates approved Frick's own threat back to the show's producers.

Frick even admitted that he had based his response on how he believed Frank Underwood from the House of Cards series would have reacted to such a threat.

"I literally thought: 'What is an appropriate Frank Underwood response to a threat like this?'" said Frick. "Eminent domain really struck me as the most dramatic response."

Sam Arora (D-Montgomery) took to Twitter to saw what everyone was thinking: "How did this happen?! Is @billfrick the new Frank Underwood?"

Frick's proposal would still need to go to the state's Senate, and needs a signature from Gov. Martin O'Malley. However, the Senate already voted 45-1 last week to raise tax credits for the coming year to $18.5 million, and so – according to The Washington Post – they would be unlikely to approve it.

But, according to the Post, it seems unlikely that the Senate would approve it because they already voted 45 to 1 last week to raise the tax credits in the coming year to $18.5 million.