Honouring God: 10 signs that your job is becoming an idol


Our jobs and professions are wonderful blessings, but just like any other good thing, too much of it can turn into an addiction, an obsession or even an idol. Although God has given us the privilege to enjoy and be satisfied by our work, we must always keep in mind that the root source of all joy and satisfaction comes from Jesus alone.

Our God is the author of work. He called Adam to work in the Garden of Eden and from that point on, He called us to work. Deuteronomy 8:18 reminds us, "You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day."

But as God is the author of work, He is also the author of rest. Why does God call us to rest? Why can't he just make our bodies super efficient and cause us to work non-stop? Because God knows that if He did that, we would start trusting our jobs more than Him.

And that's what's happening today. People are trying to find ways to work longer hours, build more empires and create more wealth, but God is calling us first and foremost to seek Him and part of that means to seek His rest. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, "Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Here are ten of the many signs that your job could be turning into an idol that you trust more than God:

  1. You value your work hours more than family time.
  2. You value your work hours more than time you spend with God.
  3. You think your pay check can take care of you better than your devotion to God can.
  4. You feel fearful and anxious about the future, dwelling excessively on accumulating wealth, finding security in money and making a name for yourself.
  5. Work stress and exhaustion have become the main reason why your health is failing.
  6. You can't seem to take your mind off your job tasks, and you can't seem to take your eyes of your emails, phones and computers.
  7. What keeps you up most nights are thoughts about work and what you want or need to get done.
  8. You become too focused on productivity and results that you start becoming judgemental towards others who do not perform or achieve as much as you do.
  9. What your boss says about you in the staff meeting conference room matters more than what your Heavenly Father says about you in the Bible.
  10. The pursuit of money, fame, success and promotion has become more important that the pursuit of growing in a relationship with Jesus Christ.