Holy Spirit 'Stirring' In War-Ravaged Aleppo As Muslims Seek Refuge in Christian Prayer Tents

Amid the devastation and carnage in the Syrian battleground city of Aleppo, the Holy Spirit is "stirring."

The inspiring statement was aired by Steve Van Valkenburg of Christian Aid Mission who reported some amazing developments in an otherwise desolate landscape where people are still desperately trying to survive the ongoing civil war, Mission Network News reported.

Van Valkenburg said the problems in Aleppo are still enormous: little food and water supply, high prices of whatever food is being sold, intermittent electricity even in the midst of winter, no jobs, no law and order, and gangs roaming the streets at night among other dangers.

"Basically, the attitude of the people is that they're scared. They're not sure what's going to happen," Van Valkenburg said. "The government is not sure who to trust. The government doesn't know if there are militia members just mixed in with those who are fleeing, and people who stayed behind may be actually militant members and may be pretending to be regular citizens. So there's a lot of door-to-door and searching by the government and a lot of just not being sure if the person next to you may be a suicide bomber."

Against this backdrop, Christian Aid ministry partners have erected prayer tents throughout Aleppo where Muslims are welcome to join their Christian brothers and sisters in praying, Van Valkenburg said, adding that many Muslims have been coming in.

"Many people are ... at their wit's end, they have heavy burdens, and they're afraid and they're looking for somebody to come and help them. So even though they may be Muslims, they still are looking for somebody who will give them solace," he said.

During these prayer sessions, the missionaries share the Gospel and hand out Bibles and tracts to their Muslim guests.

Christian Aid ministry partners have also set up evangelistic programmes for children that have been drawing "thousands of people," said Van Valkenburg.

The children come with their parents, and they are given Bible colouring books that tell Bible stories. The children and their parents also get to watch gospel films and are given Bibles as well, he said.

All these activities have the approval of the Syrian government, which even provides security for the people there, he added.

Van Valkenburg said what the residents of Aleppo need the most right now are heating materials and supplies amid the cold of winter.

He said one ministry is bringing in hot water bottles and blankets for the shivering residents.

Van Valkenburg urged Christians worldwide to pray for the people of Aleppo. If they feel moved to give, donors may get in touch with Christian Aid through its website, he said.

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