Assassin Goes To Kill Christian Woman In Oppressive Communist State; Then She Tells Him About Jesus

A former government lawyer from the previously repressive communist state of Romania has come out to share the amazing story of how she escaped death and converted her assassin to Christianity after she turned her back on her job to defend the Christian faithful against persecution.

Virginia Prodan used to defend the regime of brutal Romanian dictator Nicolai Ceausescu, the country's second and last communist leader.

Although she had a good job that was safe from the oppressive hands of the communist state, Prodan felt something was missing in her life. This prompted her to turn her back on her job and the government, and to convert to Christianity.

Prodan also started defending persecuted Christians under communist-era Romania. Her relationship with God and the fellow faithful, however, cost her safety, being constantly threatened with arrest.

"I was told when I was under interrogation by the secret police and they said when you defend Christians, you are not an elite anymore. You will lose all the benefits being a lawyer, having a good life and a good salary," Prodan told Christian Broadcasting News.

"You will become an enemy of the state. Later on, I was beaten, threatened to be killed or my kids to be killed... I exposed the communist government to the entire world," she added.

One day, Prodan was confronted with her worst fear: she came face to face with a man that was sent by the government to kill her. At that moment, she said the voices of her friends and family who warned her of going against the communist government came back to her mind, but one voice stood out more: the voice of God.

"I heard the whisper of God saying, 'share the gospel,'" she recalled. This prompted her to appeal her life to her assassin. "I shared that God loves him and I chose to love him. And I recited Bible verses," Prodan continued.

To her surprise, her assassin "accepted the Gospel right there" as she continued to share to him God's Words and love.

"I was so mesmerized by the power of God's word. This 6 foot-10 tall man started to melt under God's word," she recalled.

Prodan gave her personal account of her encounter with this man in her book, "Saving My Assassin." She hopes that this experience will inspire others to continue holding on to God's love despite all the odds.

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