Hillary Clinton insists she's 'a person of faith,' drawing cheers from Christian artists

Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says she loves the Christian song 'His Eye Is On the Sparrow.' Reuters

Despite her strong and vocal support for abortion and same-sex marriage, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is insisting that she is "a person of faith."

Clinton made an appearance during Sunday's Stellar Awards in Las Vegas, which is considered as "the premier gospel event that recognises and honors African American artists," according to Christian News.

There, Clinton promoted her faith and shared with the crowd how much Christian music has impacted her life. "We all face troubles, don't we," she told the crowd. "And it's easy to get discouraged. And then all of a sudden maybe you hear a song in church, you hear it on the radio, maybe a friend is singing it."

For Clinton, that special song is "His Eye Is On the Sparrow," which she quoted for the audience: "I sing because I'm happy. I sing because I'm free. For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He's watching me."

The audience loved Clinton's familiarity with the song, and they cheered her enthusiastically.

"So I know this is not just about music. It truly is about the message," Clinton said. "It's about the gospel and all that it means to so many of us."

The crowd showed their appreciation of Clinton's remarks. As she was concluding her short speech, one woman from the crowd yelled out, "President Clinton!"

Clinton appeared visibly touched by the gesture of support. She said: "I want to thank you. I wish all of you well — not just in these awards but in every day, in every way. I am grateful that you are in our lives. A lot of people need to hear that message and you are helping to deliver it. Thank you and God bless you."

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