'Heroes of the Storm' new patch November 2017: Blizzard Entertainment reveals bug fixes, updates, changes; now available in the PTR

The promotional poster of "Heroes of the Storm" Facebook/BlizzHeroesSEA

Blizzard Entertainment just released a new patch for "Heroes of the Storm." This includes a few changes, updates, balance charges, and bug fixes for the game.

From the game's assassin, specialist, support, and warrior, they will all be receiving changes in abilities, talents, and stats. In a blog post, the game developer noted that most of the changes are now available in the Public Test Realm or PTR. However, some changes will be applied on Wednesday, Nov. 29, for the live balance patch.

Generally, the "Heroes of the Storm" patch has fixed the issue that makes the game crash on Mac devices. Also, the inadvertent options displaying on some Mac units are now repaired, while the glitch causing the Hero's voice-over lines heard worldwide from both teams is now patched up.

Additionally, the game's towers are now re-imagined and have unlimited ammo. Players can now see the real view for stealth heroes through forts and keeps. To make this possible, it has involved a lot of work as some have to undergo tweaks and buffs, like Zeratul, to make it work.

"Heroes of the Storm" stealth outline can now be seen easier. Valeera and Zeratul's stealth rework is also now more interesting. Other changes made in the game are the setting's outline, although it is mostly for Lucio and Junkrat, the camera's height is now higher to give a much wider view for the players, and the battleground timers are now more visible. Also, there will be neutral generation globes if the item is not yet claimed in three seconds and a few mercenary changes.

The patch's special testing session will run for three weeks, and the changes can now be seen in the PTR. For the full list of changes and updates, click here.