Here's The Only Third Party Allowed – And Encouraged – In Your Marriage


Marriage is a sacred covenant between a man and a woman, the husband and the wife. It was designed in such a way that no other person – a third party – would and should be welcomed. Having another person enter in the marriage relationship spells disaster.

"This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one" (Genesis 2:24). That's just the way it is: a husband and his wife, rolled into one.

Illegal third parties

Knowing that marriages were designed for two individuals coming together as one, we must realise and understand that third parties are dangerous to have. They either endanger the marriage, impede its growth, or divert it into other directions.

Third parties that endanger the marriage are usually composed of people with whom a spouse has an extramarital affair. Illicit affairs are very dangerous to marriages. Such affairs destroy marriages and break hearts, not to mention families and dreams.

Third parties that impede the growth of the marriage relationship need not be actual people who are there in person. They can be memories, regrets, and guilt feelings that need to be scrapped for the marriage to flourish.

Lastly, third parties that divert the direction of a married couple can be things or people that don't necessarily mean harm. They can come in the form of intrusive in-laws or friends who keep poking in on the marriage relationship, often coming in when they know that a couple has problems. They may not mean it, but they unknowingly cause harm.

The only third party that should be allowed

The only third party that should be allowed – and vigorously sought-after – in any marriage is the very presence of God, who is able to sustain, bless, and cause marriages to grow. Frankly speaking, He's the third party that all marriages, whether healthy or unhealthy, need very badly.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."

Yes, husbands and wives can encourage each other to stand strong in their fight for the faith, but ultimately they will fail if they depend on just each other. Just like a rope that has three strands, married couples need the powerful presence of God to strengthen their marriage and make it stand against all challenges.

Miracles in your marriage

Christ's love is the only one that never ends, never gives up, and never fails. He was there to rejoice with the married couple in Cana of Galilee, making a miracle in their midst (see John 2:1-12). In the same way, He can make miracles in your marriage if you let Him.

Let Christ be the glue that binds you and your spouse together.