He is risen! 9 beautiful pictures of Easter celebrations which prove the Church lives, no matter what

These Egyptian Coptic Christians, who in February mourned the beheading of 21 people by ISIS militants, celebrating Palm Sunday


These Iraqi Christians attending an Easter mass at the Virgin Mary church in Baghdad. Tens of thousands of Christians have been murdered or driven from the city this year

These worshippers attending a candlelit mass at a Catholic church in Shenyang, Liaoning province, China

Pope Francis' personal envoy to Iraq, Cardinal Fernando Filoni, giving communion to displaced Iraqi Christians from Mosul

Thousands of people gathering in the rain in St Peter's Square to hear the Pope's Easter address

This Pakistani Christian woman praying at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Lahore. 17 were killed and more than 80 injured in attacks in Lahore two weeks ago


Thousands of South Korean Christians gathering in Seoul to sing hymns of praise


Jesus being worshipped during this special crusade service in Nairobi, held in honour of the victims of the Garissa University attack


 And in Garissa itself, where 147 Christians were murdered this week, this pastor praying
