Groups urge Obama not to exempt religious groups from LGBT executive order

President Obama at National Prayer Breakfast 2014 Video Screenshot

Numerous groups have signed a letter urging President Barack Obama not to exempt religious groups from his impending executive order banning federal contractors from excluding LGBT people when hiring. The letter comes a week after a group of religious leaders initially wrote to Obama requesting the exemption, saying if some federal contractors were forced to hire LGBT workers against their faith it would hamper their work.

"In keeping with the principle that our government must adhere to the highest standards of ethics and fairness in its own operations, we believe that public dollars should not be used to sanction discrimination," the letter read.

"Each day we continue to make progress on our journey toward "a more perfect union," in which all God's children are treated with fairness and dignity."

Petitioners included Planned Parenthood Clergy Advocacy Chairman Rabbi Jon Adland, Presbyterian Church Moderator of the 215th General Assembly Rev. Dr. Susan R. Andrews, and National Coalition of American Nuns Executive Coordinator Sister Jeannine Gramick, SL.

The petition follows a letter sent last week, in which numerous faith leaders asked the President to exclude religious contractors from having to follow the forthcoming mandate.

Those leaders maintained that being forced to hire LGBT employees would be contrary to the beliefs of many faith-based federal contractors.

"An executive order that does not include a religious exemption will significantly and substantively hamper the work of some religious organizations that are best equipped to serve in common purpose with the federal government," the letter read.

"When the capacity of religious organizations is limited, the common good suffers.

"Americans have always disagreed on important issues, but our ability to live with our diversity is part of what makes this country great, and it continues to be essential even in this 21st-century."

That letter was signed by Catholic Charities USA CEO Father Larry Snyder, megachurch pastor Dr. Rick Warren, Obama for America 2012 National Faith Vote Director Michael Wear, and others.

The White House has not responded to the petitions, and has not disclosed when President Obama will issue the executive order.