Greeting cards for the Christian market

Some of the cards on offer from Maytree (Maytree)

Maytree Cards has decided to do something about the lack of greeting cards with Christian images and messaging.

The Sunday Telegraph reported just before Christmas that Christmas cards with religious images had "all but disappeared from shop shelves".

A survey by the newspaper found that fewer than one in 25 Christmas cards contained references to Nativity scenes or the Bible story.

Maytree, a small independent greeting cards company, said the dearth had led to fresh demand, especially from cathedrals, for cards with overtly Christian greetings.

In response, the company has produced a new range of 24 cards, which it reports is selling well across London.

Sale points include St Paul's Cathedral.

Maytree director, John Blackwell said: "Renaissance and contemporary fine art is a passion of ours. As well as religious significance these paintings are incredible works of art in their own rights.We felt that the decline in this type card needed to be addressed. This was especially evident within the Christian card market. We found it increasingly difficult to find these cards on sale."

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