By simply typing in the search term "GTA 6" in Google, one is given over 30 million results, most of which are news and rumors about a video game that was supposed to have been released a long time ago. But up until now, its developer has been quite adamant in telling the horde of "Grand Theft Auto" fans that the game, although expected to be released in the future, is still not in the development stage.
Rockstar Games made a lot of money and built its reputation as a premium game developer primarily because of this very popular open world action-adventure video game franchise; so if one is to look at it that way, it seems like it is unfair for the company to suddenly put an end to it or simply ignore the clamor from the gaming public to make another one. So what really is the big reason why Rockstar isn't putting in the commitment to finally create the sixth installment in the video game series?
One report explains the delay or the lack of information about "GTA 6" is caused by Rockstar's belief that the current game, "Grand Theft Auto Online" is increasingly becoming popular, thanks to a series of updates and release of downloadable content. With this in mind, it seems like Rockstar found a way to keep everyone entertained for the meantime while making sure that they stop complaining about the absence of "GTA 6."
For Neurogadget, the most likely release of "GTA 6" happens in 2020, which is a good four years from now. If that's the case, there no longer is a guarantee if fans of the game franchise will still have the same enthusiasm and interest in it. But whatever Rockstar's reason is in delaying the launch of "GTA 6," it's easy to theorize that it might have something to do with developing the best ever title in the history of the "GTA" series.