Ever the optimist, popular American speaker and televangelist Joel Osteen is telling people to remain patient amidst hard times because their "due season year" is sure to arrive.
"Maybe you've been holding on to some promises for a while, or maybe there's a dream in your heart that you've been praying about," Osteen wrote in his blog. Even though the happy ending might seem like a long way to go, he told people to remain steadfast in their faith because God is going to cause things to fall into place.
Osteen added that only God can make things happen that people themselves couldn't make happen on their own, and all people have to do is believe in Him.
"Stay in agreement with God," he urged. "All through the day say, 'Lord, thank You that 2015 is my due season year. Lord, I believe this is my year to get healthy and whole. This is my year to meet the people who will help me fulfill my dreams. This is my year to go further in my career and step into a new level of my destiny!'"
This prayer will help ignite something in people's spirits, and strengthen their dreams, faith, and hope, Osteen said. He warned that the mind might cause people to doubt at some point, but that's okay.
"That's not your job to figure it all out; your job is to believe. Your job is to say, 'Yes, God. This is for me! I believe that it's my due season year,'" he said.
Osteen then shared the Bible verse Galatians 6:9, in order to remind Christians the benefits they will reap if they never lose confidence in God. It says: "So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up."