God can never forgive person who refuses to seek His forgiveness, says Billy Graham

Evangelist Billy Graham urges sinners to say a simple prayer of faith telling God that they have sinned and asking Christ to come into their lives. (Facebook/Billy Graham)

No sin is too big or too small for God not to forgive, and all people have to do is repent with open hearts and accept his forgiveness, legendary American evangelist Billy Graham once said.

He quoted the Bible verse Isaiah 55:7 to shed light on God's approach to forgiveness. It says: "Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon."

"The only person God can never forgive is the person who refuses to seek his forgiveness. Why, then, would anyone refuse to turn to God and seek his forgiveness? Why would anyone refuse the gift of eternal life God offers to all who put their faith and trust in Christ?" he wrote in an article for the Kansas City Star.

Throughout his years of preaching, Graham learned that some people refuse to turn to God and seek forgiveness because they are afraid God will reject them and refuse to forgive them.

Others, on the other hand, refuse because they want to keep on living the sinful life they've always lived, while others simply refuse because they hate God and do not want anything to do with Him.

"But whatever their excuse, there's no reason for anyone to turn away from God and refuse his gift of forgiveness — a gift that Christ purchased at the cost of His life. God loves you, and no matter what your past has been, God wants to forgive you and welcome you home," said Graham.

He urged people not to risk their souls to eternal damnation any longer, because the Bible (Hebrews 10:31) warns, "It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

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